Your Skin Can Look Like Kendall’s with Laser Genesis

Now a fashion and beauty maven, it is hard to imagine a time when Kendall Jenner did not exude confidence. However, Kendall recently shared that, like many of us, she struggled with teenage acne. She remembers, “It completely ruined my self-esteem.” Continuing, of her acne, Kendall says, “it really impacted me.”

Kendall decided to take action. Advice from her sisters proved wise—she says, “My older sisters always told me to keep my hands off my face and to never pick.” Kendall also sought out professional guidance. She now credits her clear and glowing complexion to Laser Genesis. Like Kendall, we at Burgess Plastic Surgery are firm believers in the power of Laser Genesis’s skin-clearing ways.

Understanding Laser Genesis?

Laser Genesis utilizes gentle, short-pulsed laser energy to safely and effectively improve the skin’s tone and texture. Delivering repeated microsecond pulses of energy to the skin, Laser Genesis targets and heats multiple layers of the dermis. By gently heating the skin, Laser Genesis promotes collagen formation and helps to shrink swollen capillaries that are often the cause of redness and discoloration.

A multi-faceted approach to skin care, Laser Genesis:

  • Tightens and minimizes the appearance of pores
  • Diffuses redness and neutralizes pigmentation and discoloration
  • Smooths uneven skin texture, including shallow scarring
  • Lessens the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Prevents future acne breakouts by killing existing bacteria

Acne and other common skin ailments are not limited to the face alone. Fortunately, Laser Genesis is a gentle treatment and can be used on even the most delicate areas including the neck and chest—common areas that along with the face and back, are the most acne-prone areas. Two-in-one! Laser Genesis is an efficient and effective treatment for adults struggling from both aging skin and acne. As a non-invasive treatment, Laser Genesis carries no downtime.

Lessons Learned

Perhaps most impressive of all, however, is Kendall’s attitude, “When I started getting in front of the camera a lot, I think my confidence started to come out. It took a minute, because I had to believe in myself.” Reflecting back on her acne, Kendall says, “I realized that it’s a part of life for some people and it doesn’t define who you are.”

Clear Skin at Burgess Plastic Surgery

Kendall is not alone in her experience. At Burgess Plastic Surgery, we understand that for many men and women, acne can be a lifelong struggle. Schedule a consultation to learn more about Laser Genesis and other acne-fighting procedures.

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16865 Boones Ferry Rd, Suite 101
Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Monday-Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday hours available by appointment

Location Map: 16865 Boones Ferry Rd Lake Oswego, OR 97035

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