Wedding Makeovers in Portland & Lake Oswego

Are you a bride-to-be? Do you have a special occasion coming? At Burgess Plastic Surgery, we want to help you look your best on your big day! Come in for a consultation with Dr. Burgess and she can help guide you towards your cosmetic goals. Please also refer to our Wedding Procedures Timeline for all treatments prior to your big day!

We highly recommend visiting us well in advance before your special event, as we want you to have plenty of time to recover from your procedure. For instance, if you are thinking about breast augmentation, you would want a minimum of 6 months to heal and settle before your wedding. If liposuction is on your wish list, come visit us early so that the swelling will improve before your gown fitting.

For those brides or bridesmaids considering injectables such as Botox® or fillers like Restylane or Juvederm®, we advise having your initial injections a least a couple months prior, so you may fully heal and still have time for touch-ups, if needed.


For brides in their 40s, 50s and beyond, or possibly mothers of the bride, you may consider facial cosmetic surgery prior to the wedding. Some choose to have a facelift to make them look refreshed and relaxed for the ceremony, or possibly eye surgery to remove  sagging skin that tends to make people look tired and worn out. These types of surgeries should be done at least 6 months to a year prior to your event. Sculptra Aesthetic can also be a fantastic option for women mid-thirties and up, who wish to rejuvenate their appearance, without surgery.

Wedding Makeovers Portland OR

This product does take multiple treatments spaced approximately one month apart but will last two years. However, Voluma can immediately rejuvenate the lost volume in the face and can last up to two years also. Please schedule your consultation early enough to ensure optimal results post treatment. Burgess Plastic Surgery offers other services as well to help the entire wedding party look revitalized for those wedding photos! Come in and visit with our skin care specialists. We provide HydraFacials, chemical peels, lasers, or microneedling treatments. Our aestheticians will have your skin glowing in time for your close-up! In addition, help everyone relax for the big day with a therapeutic massage with our massage therapist, Andrea.

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16865 Boones Ferry Rd, Suite 101
Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Monday-Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday hours available by appointment

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