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The Case for a Breast Lift with Augmentation

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October 18, 2018 | Uncategorized
4 minute read

Over the years a woman’s body can go through many changes. Pregnancy, childbirth, breast feeding, and menopause can play a significant role in those changes, especially on the breasts. And when it comes to all of the options for breast rejuvenation, it can be difficult to know which procedure is right for you. Here we’ll touch on the benefits of the breast lift with augmentation. This procedure can provide the combined benefits to fit your needs and goals.

To know if the lift plus augmentation procedure is a good fit, let’s first cover the basics:

What a Breast Lift Does

The breast lift, medically know as mastopexy, works to lift and reposition sagging, drooping breasts and nipples. A breast lift can create perkier, more appealing breasts that sit higher on the chest wall. It can also address an asymmetry between the two. Oftentimes, due to the loose, drooping tissues, the nipples will also start to point downward and the areolae can become irregular and misshapen. A breast lift can correct these concerns as well.

What a Breast Augmentation Does

The breast augmentation procedure has one basic goal—to make the breasts larger. This enhancement procedure does not really do too much to address the loose skin, sagging tissues, or the position or shape of the nipples.

When a Breast Lift with Augmentation Is Your Best Option

A breast lift with augmentation takes the benefits of both surgeries and puts them into one transformative procedure. However, we see a lot of patients who don’t realize that this combined effort can produce the best results for their specific needs.

There are several situations where a breast lift with augmentation combination will provide the very best outcome:

  • You want to increase the size of your breasts as well as raise their position on the chest wall.
  • You need a breast lift but also want more fullness in the upper part, or upper pole, of the breasts than the mastopexy procedure can accomplish by itself.
  • You’d like to enlarge your breasts with an augmentation but have drooping that can’t be corrected with implants alone.
  • You have moderate to severe volume loss and excess skin in the breasts due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, and/or massive weight loss.

What If I Already Have Implants and Want a Lift?

Perhaps you underwent an enhancement procedure some years ago. The skin and tissues around the implants have started to lose their youthful perkiness and your breasts have begun to sag but the implants are in good position. This may be the perfect time for an implant revision. With the latest generation of implants available today, you can achieve a more realistic look and natural feel all while lifting and contouring your breasts.

See Your Results Before Surgery

You don’t just have to rely on your imagination to envision the outcome of your breast surgery. With the Crisalix imaging system, you can see what your enhanced figure will look like with your own eyes. Whether you’re opting for a lift, an augmentation, or a combination of the two, Crisalix can help you realize your ideal feminine physique, and works best with those that don’t have too much breast sag.

Breast Lift with Augmentation at Burgess Plastic Surgery

The first step to finding out if a breast lift with augmentation is right for you is to contact us to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Burgess. She can address any questions or concerns you may have regarding this or any of the enhancement procedures we offer. We’re conveniently located in Lake Oswego with easy access for all of our Portland area clients.