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Which Procedures Are Part of A Mommy Makeover?

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November 28, 2012 | Breast Surgery, Body Surgery
2 minute read

Mommy Makeover is a term that brings about the idea of a procedure that will bring back a woman’s pre-pregnancy figure, but this is only partially true. It is a suite of procedures that will help recent mothers get back to their pre-pregnancy appearance.

Because each woman’s body is different and each woman will experience pregnancy uniquely it is best to discuss your situation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Your surgeon will know about which procedures will best fit your post-pregnancy situation.

Breast Procedures

After childbirth, one of the most common issues that arise are the changes in a woman’s breasts. During the course of pregnancy the breasts change in size and shape.

To deal with these issues a few procedures can make a big difference. A breast lift can help address sagging, or a breast augmentation can be undergone to enhance the shape in a mother’s bust.

Something to keep in mind, however, is that if you are still breastfeeding your child it is best to wait to have a procedure done. Not only does this prevent any issues from occurring, it will also address the changes in the breasts that can be caused by breast feeding.

Procedures For The Stomach And Lower Body

It goes without saying that pregnancy has a profound effect on a woman’s stomach and lower body. After the pregnancy many women can lose by turning to diet and exercise.

Sometimes, however, this is not enough to deal with all of the weight gain and stretched skin.

This is why a Mommy Makeover consists of a tummy tuck and liposuction. The tummy tuck procedure will deal with the sagging skin left over from the pregnancy and liposuction will deal with the stubborn fat in the stomach, thighs and buttocks.

Some women may choose to also undergo a lower body lift procedure to lift and tighten the sagging skin in the thighs, hips and buttocks. The removal of excess skin and fat will help to create a more natural, thinner appearance after childbirth.

Learn more about which procedures are right for your mommy makeover by contacting Dr. Elisa Burgess online, or at her Lake Oswego, Oregon location.

Source: American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery