May 05, 2020 | Uncategorized
5 minute read
My patients often ask me, “What will I look like after surgery or a procedure?”. I find that this is the hardest thing to explain to a patient. It is complicated because everyone’s starting anatomy is different with varying skin quality, breast volume, chest wall projection or even facial volume loss with textural changes. Fortunately, we have six years of 3D virtual experience using the Crisalix system. Our initial focus was on breast augmentation. We have used a 3D scanner in the office to map the surface of a patient’s breasts. This helps with discovering the anatomy of the chest wall, breast volume, nipple position. Then once the 3D image is rendered, we can help the patient “try” on different implant styles and volumes. The final image is thought to be around 3-6 months after the surgery. It has been fun to do this with patients and have their eyes light up as they look at the improvement of their own breasts. This of course is no guarantee of outcome but it does give a pretty good idea of what it may look like after surgery and that has been consistent with what we have seen in our clinic.
Breast 3D Imaging
More recently we have expanded this to the virtual consult and this has shown amazing detail with patients in the comfort of their own home. You can login to or you can download the app. Then follow the instructions to take photos on your phone to make 3D images. The most important thing for the breast area is to have someone else take your photo from the “lips to the hips” and try to make them an equal distance away so that the 3D image will turn out more clear. It is best to be around 100cm away. Natural, even lighting is best and the body should not have much shadowing. Make sure your hair is up. Measure in centimeters (cm) from nipple to nipple and enter the info. The first photo is 45 degree turn left, then a photo straight forward, then the last photo at 45 degree turn right. Make sure to turn your whole body for the photo. This works for both breast augmentation and breast reduction patients.
Below is an example of good quality photos for breast:
Example of the 3D image for breast augmentation with the virtual implants on the right:
Facial 3D Imaging
For the facial analysis, you can do selfies or it is even better if someone else can take your photos at around 40cm. Natural, even lighting is best with no shadows. Make sure your hair is up and a neutral expression. No glasses or jewelry. You should always keep the eyes on the horizon and the chin level. Make sure to get the top of your hair and your full neck. The first photo is 45 degree turn left, then a photo straight forward, then the last photo at 45 degree turn right. Make sure to turn your whole body for the photo. Don’t look at the camera because we want to see the side of your face.
Below is an example of good quality photos for the face:
Example of 3D image for facial with the right side showing the possible effects of botox, fillers and skin care:
Once the photos have been uploaded by you, then let us know and we will render them into a 3D image. We will schedule a Zoom appointment and we look through them together. The breast augmentation is pretty straight forward but it does become complicated if a breast lift is also needed. The breast reduction images show volume which is helpful to visualize the improvement but an exam in clinic really necessary to determine the amount that may need to be removed. The facial images have been spectacular if the initial photos are good quality. These images can show pore size, textural skin issues, acne scarring, facial volume and asymmetry. Discussion of surgery and other facial treatments will helpful with these 3D images.
Overall, we are incredibly pleased with this technology that can lead to an in-depth analysis and discussion by myself or my staff. So consider testing the waters with the best in 3D technology from the comfort of your couch. You just might be surprised how realistic the images can be.
The Quick App Summary
*Make sure to submit your form at least a day before the consultation.
Step 1: You must sign up with your full name, email address and a password. The password should be alphanumeric, with at least one upper case, one lower case and a symbol. Example: 12345Aa!
Step 2: Click on “Create Your 3D”
Step 3: Choose Breast or Face (depending on the procedure you are looking for).
Step 4: Read the Guidelines on how to create an optimal Photo. Example:
- Take the photos in a Well-Lit area (example facing a window)
- Have a second person taking the photos of you (selfies are not useful)
- Distance of photo taken, Face = 40cm, Breast = 100cm.
- Submit your 3 photos: Left 45° Angle, Frontal View, Right 45° Angle.
Step 5: Enter Phone Number, City and State, then CLICK SUBMIT
Please contact the office to let us know your photos are ready to view!
Schedule Your Portland Area 3D Crisalix Consultation If you’re interested in breast surgery or facial procedures, call 503-905-9363 today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Burgess. Burgess Plastic Surgery proudly serves patients from Lake Oswego, Portland, and the surrounding areas of Oregon.