February 08, 2016 | Uncategorized
3 minute read
Men are increasingly embracing minimally invasive cosmetic procedures—over the past 15 years, the number has skyrocketed by nearly 70%. Highlighting a growing trend, this staggeringly high number demonstrates that men are no longer hesitant to seek out help in addressing troublesome areas. Minimally invasive body contouring is especially popular. Body contouring reshapes, slims, and tones otherwise hard-to-treat areas such as the abdominals and hips.
This revelation came as no surprise to Dr. Burgess. Recently featured on Realself Trends, Dr. Burgess emphasizes CoolSculpting’s popularity amongst men in the editorial, How Far Will Men Go to Look Good in Boardshorts? (Hint: Pretty Far).
In her practice, Dr. Burgess often hears from men who “frequently talk about the fatty tire around their waist…. They work out and watch what they eat, but they cannot improve that tire.” A common problem for both men and women—CoolSculpting was designed to target stubborn fat that is otherwise resistant to one’s best efforts.
But what makes CoolSculpting great?
Who is the Ideal Man?
Simply put, CoolSculpting is “indicated for pinchable fat”. Although CoolSculpting “can be used by many body types” best results are seen, ”the closer you are to your ideal body weight”. Cryolipolysis, the innovative technology behind CoolSculpting, effectively targets and destroys fat cells while leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed. Designed to target subcutaneous fat, CoolSculpting does little to tighten loose skin. With this in mind, Dr. Burgess points out that CoolSculpting is best for those who “do not have hanging skin”.
Dr. Burgess’s Unique, Two-Prong Approach
Although results can be seen after only one CoolSculpting treatment, Dr. Burgess recommends additional treatments to better the results. In regards to the number of treatments necessary, Dr. Burgess says “I think that patients are selling themselves short if they just have one treatment. The real magic is in the initial debulking treatments and then coming back later to more fine tune or sculpt the areas of concern”. Unique in her approach, Dr. Burke likes to first ‘debulk’ the area of excess fat with “larger applicators”. Using “smaller applicators”, she carefully sculpts and defines your treatment area.
A Discerning Eye Makes for the Best Results
With CoolSculpting, there is an “art to location and placement of the applicators”. As an experienced board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Burgess “has an eye for non-invasive fat reduction techniques”. Her expert skill is integral as to “where to place the applicators for optimal treatment”.
CoolSculting at Burgess Plastic Surgery
Dr. Burgess is eager to share, “we have been pleased with the results of CoolSculpting in my practice”. While each patient reacts differently, the average “is probably between 20-25% reduction for one treatment”.
“Men want CoolSculpting, CoolSculpting, and more CoolSculpting”—Dr. Burgess
Men, are you ready to achieve the body you deserve? Schedule a consultation to see how CoolSculpting can be a part of this.