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Brow Lift in Portland & Lake Oswego

How can I make my eyes look more open and awake?


What Is The Brow Lift Procedure Like?

The brow lift procedure may take between one and two hours to perform and is often performed with a local anesthetic in conjunction with a general anesthetic. The procedure involves removing or altering the muscles and tissues of the forehead that cause the furrowing or drooping, resulting in a smoother forehead. Dr. Burgess will make a series of small incisions across the top of the head, just behind the hairline. Using an endoscopic camera and instruments, she will lift the forehead skin and remove, or alter, the underlying muscles and tissues to create a smoother finish. With sutures, the brows are elevated and secured under the skin. Finally, Dr. Burgess will use stitches to close the incisions. If the brow droop is too great, then an open brow lift is performed with a longer incision along the hairline. Dr. Burgess will evaluate you and discuss these surgical options with you before surgery.


Interested in a Brow Lift in Lake Oswego?

If you’re considering a Brow Lift, our team at Burgess Plastic Surgery can help you achieve beautiful, natural-looking results. Call us today at 503-699-6464 or complete our online contact form to schedule your consultation and take the next step.

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