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The Importance of Your Post-Surgery Diet

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November 15, 2021 | Health and Beauty
2 minute read

A young woman in a casual blue dress and with her hair in a messy bun smiles while seated at a wooden table eating a saladChoosing the right foods after plastic surgery can fuel a successful recovery. What you choose to eat can support the healing process in many ways, including:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Sustaining energy
  • Supporting the immune system
  • Fighting infection
  • Helping you sleep
  • Supporting the digestive process

Your body will expend a significant amount of energy as it heals from the stress of surgery. You fuel this energy with the calories from the foods you consume. But as we all know, not all calories are the same. Consuming foods that tend to inflame the body, or that lack nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, will not support your recovery, and in fact may have a deleterious effect.

Here’s what you should be consuming after surgery:

  • High-fiber fruit and vegetables to prevent constipation, which is a common side effect of surgery
  • Dark, leafy greens, which are full of beneficial vitamins and nutrients
  • Lean protein, such as tofu, chicken, turkey, and beans
  • Foods rich in vitamin C to support a strong immune system and wound healing (citrus, kale, broccoli, red peppers)
  • Foods rich in vitamin A and vitamin E to fight free radicals caused by post-surgical inflammation (spinach, eggs, carrots, sweet potatoes)
  • Foods rich in zinc to fight infection like poultry, seafood (small quantities for 1 week post surgery) beans, almonds, etc.

Salt, sugar, and alcohol are all items to avoid. They increase inflammation, suppress the immune system, worsen swelling, and lead to water retention. Foods that can lead to constipation include red meat, dairy, and cheese.

Also keep in mind that hydrating by drinking water is really important. It keeps your body functioning properly and helps different systems in your body process wastes. Water also prevents constipation.

If you have a special diet you follow – such as vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, etc. – talk to Dr. Burgess about making sure all the necessary nutrients are covered. It’s possible to get vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from supplements, but it’s generally best if these things come from what you eat. Your body tends to absorb them most effectively from food.

Detailed Aftercare Plans for Each Patient

Dr. Elisa Burgess ensures you have all the information you need for a successful procedure. To learn more about plastic surgery aftercare and follow-up appointments, please call us in Lake Oswego at 503-699-6464.