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FDA Releases Silicone Breast Implant Safety Results

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July 13, 2011 | Breast Surgery
2 minute read

Every woman who decides to have breast augmentation surgery does so for her own reasons. After making the choice to have breast augmentation, there are additional choices to make before surgery.

For example, women who are considering breast augmentation surgery must decide whether they prefer saline or silicone breast implants.

In 2010, silicone breast implants were placed during half of all breast augmentation surgeries. In the past, there have been concerns that silicone breast implants may be associated with possible negative complications. While no surgery is without risk, new data has been released by the FDA that addresses the short- and long-term safety of silicone breast implants.

The History of Silicone Implant Safety

In 1992, the FDA removed all silicone breast implants from the market, due to concerns about silicone breast implant safety that arose in the 1080s. In 2006, the FDA approved the improved breast implants that are currently available.

One of the conditions of the FDA’s approval was that implant manufacturers would conduct studies tracking risks and complications over time. The results include a review of medical literature about silicone breast implants. The literature review found that:

  • Most women were highly satisfied with the feel, shape, and size of their breast implants, and had a good body image.
  • Women who received silicone breast implants are not at a higher risk for developing breast cancer.
  • Silicone filled breast implants do not seem to affect breastfeeding or fertility.

There is not yet enough data to address some other concerns, but many of the safety concerns of older model silicone breast implants are being proven incorrect. Silicone breast implants are also used for breast reconstruction surgery, and can be placed during a revision breast augmentation. If you are interested in learning more about breast augmentation surgery, contact our Portland area office.

You can read the full study details and results about silicone implant safety here at the FDA’s website.