October 12, 2011 | Cosmetic Injections, Health and Beauty, Skin Care
2 minute read
Injectable treatment Restylane is now FDA approved for the treatment of thin lips, according to its manufacturer Medicis
While plastic surgeons in the past had largely used Restylane for its previous FDA approved treatment of lines and wrinkles, this new approval opens up the doors for Restylane lip augmentation. Previously, though it was not FDA approved, plastic surgeons could use the injectable for Restylane lip augmentation, as an off-label treatment.
This announcement comes after the release of findings from a recent study of Restylane lip augmentation treatments. In the study conducted by 12 doctors, it was found that Restylane was “well tolerated and highly effective for lip augmentation for up to six months.”
When measured on several points, researchers found Restylane lip augmentation to be effective and long lasting. The effects of the treatment are said to least up to six months for many patients. Those patients who participated in the study were so pleased with the results of their Restylane lip augmentation, in fact, that 80% of them chose to undergo another treatment after six months.
Restylane is an injectable gel comprised of hyaluronic acid, a key hydrating component of your skin. When injected beneath the surface of your skin at the site of a wrinkle, Restylane provides immediate correction. During a treatment for thin lips, your plastic surgeon will inject a specific amount of the product into your upper and sometimes lower lip. This form of Restylane lip augmentation will provide immediate volume to your lips, creating a larger kissable area.
If you struggle with thin lips, we encourage you to learn more about Restylane lip augmentation in Lake Oswego. Please join the mailing list of plastic surgeon Dr. Burgess to find out about specials on Restylane and other non-surgical treatments.