
Photos used in blogs are not actual patients

5 Things to Know About Breast Augmentation

July 18, 2013

Whether we’re talking about Angelina Jolie’s inspirational story, whether or not so-and-so got breast implants, or just considering them for ourselves, breast augmentation has been the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the United States and we love talking about it. However, there are still several things about plastic surgery that many people are still unclear about.

Circling Around the Topic of Areola Reduction

July 7, 2013

An outpatient surgery with a quick recovery time, areola reduction can boost appearance and self-confidence Some women believe that their areolas — the ring of pigmented skin surrounding the nipple of the breast — are too big, puffy or prominent. Areolas can be made larger because of genetics, weight gain, breast feeding and other factors. […]

BRA Day Lends a Helping Hand for Breast Reconstruction Awareness

June 28, 2013

Proceeds provide funding for breast reconstruction awareness, charitable care and research First launched in 2011 in Canada and on Oct. 17, 2012 in the US, Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) Day promotes education, awareness and access regarding post-mastectomy breast reconstruction through question and answer sessions, lectures, flash mobs, fundraising parties, advertising campaigns and community gatherings. A […]

FDA Approves Natural-Looking Gel Option in Breast Implants

June 24, 2013

Newly available teardrop-shaped breast implants provide natural silhouette and youthful feel Used for over a decade in 70-plus countries, MENTOR MemoryShape teardrop breast implants have been finally approved by the FDA. Filled with a highly cohesive gel that mimics and retains the shape of the breast, the implants provide a natural look and youthful firmness. […]

Got Sunscreen? Here’s Why You Should Use It Daily

June 21, 2013

A new study found that consistent, long-term use of sunscreen can help protect and keep skin youthful In terms of skin care, sunscreen might be the biggest bargain around. Not only has long-term use been shown to decrease the rate of skin cancer but a recent study in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that […]

Angelina Jolie Chooses Latest Shaped Breast Implants for Reconstruction

June 14, 2013

Actress, humanitarian and mother of six’s preventative mastectomy and reconstruction expands dialogue and raises awareness about women’s health Angelina Jolie’s preventative double mastectomy and subsequent breast reconstruction resulted in a firestorm of publicity. Not only did it create dialogue about what to do when testing positive for the defective BRCA 1gene as Jolie had, but […]

Can Raised Brows Raise Your Happiness? Doctors Investigate

June 7, 2013

Here’s news that should raise some eyebrows: Most patients undergoing an endoscopic brow lift are pleased with the results and would recommend the procedure, according to a recently published study in JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery. The telephone survey, which examined satisfaction, recovery and outcomes, involved 57 patients who had undergone either a brow lift alone […]

Breast Reconstruction Types: Implants vs Tissue Flaps

May 28, 2013

Today more than ever, women have a choice as to what they can do regarding breast reconstruction. The two main procedures – implants and tissue flap procedures – offer a variety of options. During consultations, your plastic surgeon will guide you toward a breast reconstruction type that works to achieve your appearance goals after mastectomy […]

More Plastic Surgeons Using Social Media to Connect with Patients

May 21, 2013
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Social sites like Facebook and Twitter have become useful tools for the modern plastic surgery practice, according to a study published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. To find out more about the ways in which plastic surgeons use social media, doctors at UCLA sent anonymous surveys to over 5,000 plastic surgeons. The survey inquired about […]

Angelina Jolie Shares Her Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction Story

May 14, 2013

“I hope that other women can benefit from my experience” writes Angelina Jolie in a candid New York Times column published today. The actress and director revealed that she recently chose to have a double mastectomy after doctors told her she had the breast cancer gene BRCA1, meaning Jolie has an (estimated) 87 percent risk […]

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