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Facial Micro Fat Grafting in Portland & Lake Oswego


SNIF (Sharp-needle Intradermal Fat Grafting)

The SNIF method is a cosmetic procedure that is typically used to correct skin imperfections like wrinkles, acne scars, and atrophic scars that are close to the surface of the skin, but not to add volume to deeper areas. SNIF has many of the qualities of an ideal dermal filler but lasts longer. The technique involves injecting microfat and nanofat directly into small wrinkles around the mouth in a way similar to traditional fillers. This approach is particularly useful in reducing the appearance of vertical lines around the lips, also known as smoker’s lines, which have historically been challenging to treat.

Am I A Fat Grafting Candidate?

Many patients may turn to cosmetic fillers to add fullness to specific areas of the face, but this does not produce a global youthful appearance. Facial fat grafting, which utilizes the patient’s own fat, is an effective way to contour the entire face and not just specific areas. Fat grafting can also be used to correct depressed scars, acne scars, hollow areas of skin, laugh lines, and facial creases. It is possible that a few sessions of fat grafting may be necessary to fulfill your goals.

Ideal recipients of fat grafting should be in good health and be able to weigh the benefits and risks associated with undergoing a surgical procedure.  Fat grafting will not take well in smokers.

What Is The Fat Grafting Procedure Like?

The fat grafting procedure is done on an outpatient basis and is usually performed under a local anesthetic. In the first stage of the fat grafting process, the surgeon will harvest fat cells from the patient’s abdomen, thighs, buttocks, or another location using liposuction. The liposuction fat is then prepared for the lipo-injection process. The prepared micro fat is injected into the desired site, and the small injection sites may be closed.


Interested in Facial Fat Grafting in Lake Oswego?

If you’re considering facial fat grafting, our team at Burgess Plastic Surgery can help you achieve beautiful, natural-looking results. Call us today at 503-699-6464 or complete our online contact form to schedule your consultation and take the next step.

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