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Why Mothers May Consider Breast Enhancement Surgery

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May 14, 2015 | Breast Surgery
3 minute read

Why Mothers May Consider Breast Enhancement Surgery
For mothers, Mother’s Day is a special time to recognize and thank you for the sacrifices you’ve made for your children. However—not all those sacrifices must be permanent. During pregnancy your body goes through so many changes, and some of those changes may cause your body to look less like the “you” of previous years.

Pregnancy and breast feeding do a number on a mother’s body that good diet and exercise simply can’t fix. If, after you have spent months or even years breast feeding, you are unhappy with how your breasts have changed, you may consider a breast lift with augmentation with Dr. Burgess.

Return to Normalcy

For some mothers, you may find your skin elasticity isn’t what it used to be. During a breast lift consultation, Dr. Burgess can discuss the possibilities of what a breast lift can do for you. Every pair of breasts is unique, and Dr. Burgess takes great care to tailor the procedure to each individual patient.

Some mothers may wish to simply rearrange how their breasts settle to increase perkiness—others may focus more on the shape of the breasts, or where the nipples rest. It is extremely common for breast asymmetry to appear or become more pronounced during breast feeding. Dr. Burgess can focus your procedure to address these issues and return a balanced, symmetrical look to your breasts.

As a woman, Dr. Burgess is keenly aware of how a woman’s breasts help define their look, and she works very hard to ensure that her breast surgery patients have the best outcomes possible. As your body changes after a pregnancy, Dr. Burgess uses your consultation to really listen to you and your needs to help you have the shape you desire.

Regain Volume

The letdown after long-term lactation often can cause breasts to shrink to a smaller size than they were before pregnancy. This can make some mothers feel uncomfortable with their breast size. Dr. Burgess can add implants during a breast lift to not only resolve symmetry issues, but also provide volume that may have been lost naturally over time.

A breast augmentation is a great decision for women who want to ensure firmness and volume after breast feeding is over. If you choose to have a breast augmentation at the same time as a breast lift with Dr. Burgess, you will only have one period of recovery time, but will also end up with breasts that look even more balanced and natural.

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Burgess can discuss your needs and desires in a private consultation at her beautiful Lake Oswego plastic surgery practice. During your consultation, Dr. Burgess will go over all of your options to improve your shape and can take the time to really address your concerns and put together a plan that will most benefit you. To schedule your breast enhancement consultation, call us at (503) 699-6464.